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FAQ about Daihatsu Atrai 2000

How much does a used Daihatsu Atrai 2000 cost?
The price of Daihatsu Atrai 2000 is around $5,300. This doesn’t include the shipping cost to your port.
How to import Daihatsu Atrai 2000 from Japan to the USA?
You can follow these easy steps to purchase a Daihatsu Atrai 2000 from JDM Export and have it imported to your port in the USA.
What are the import taxes for used cars in the USA?
You should expect to pay 2.5% for a passenger car, and 25% for a truck as the tax of foreign-made vehicles imported to the U.S. This is calculated based on the vehicle price.

User reviews on Daihatsu Atrai 2000

Edward Denty avatar
Edward DentyflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hello again. Thank you so much for your help with the car. Experience has been great and the car is amazing! It has already been inspected and passed local inspection!
After Delivery Pictures
Fabian Luna avatar
Fabian LunaflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Aloha Ken, I picked up the vehicle on Friday. I really appreciate your help and guidance through this whole process. Thanks for all of your help, Fabian
After Delivery Pictures
Matt suryan avatar
Matt suryanflagUSA
Verified Buyer
So far so good, but not able to give a full 10 star review until my car gets here
Antwann Demond Wilson avatar
Antwann Demond WilsonflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Great company to work with. Answered all my questions, made the process as smooth as possible.
Charles Wilson  avatar
Charles Wilson flagUSA
Verified Buyer
Great experience just saving up for a car
Antwann Demond Wilson avatar
Antwann Demond WilsonflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Some good and some not so good experiences so far.
Antwann Demond Wilson avatar
Antwann Demond WilsonflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Great business to work with.
Antwann Demond Wilson avatar
Antwann Demond WilsonflagUSA
Verified Buyer
if you cannot trust that the mileage is genuine, that the van is going to actually work or that there were not hidden things like dents, hidden problems, etc. then how can you continue to buy site unseen. There have been a lot of things hidden from m... See more
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