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Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

41,540 milesManual4WD660 cc
Power Steering 4WD+ 1 more

Car price

US $2,828

Total price (C&F)

US $4,833

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

30,856.78 milesManual4WD660 cc

Car price

US $3,034

Total price (C&F)

US $4,781

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

41,540 milesManual4WD660 cc
Power Steering 4WD+ 1 more

Car price

US $2,828

Total price (C&F)

US $4,833

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

8,680 milesManual2WD660 cc
Low Mileage Three Way Type+ 1 more

Car price

US $2,869

Total price (C&F)

US $4,874

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

29,512 milesManual2WD660 cc
Alloy Wheels Satellite Radio+ 1 more

Car price

US $2,360

Total price (C&F)

US $4,486

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

66,774 milesAutomatic2WD660 cc
A/C AM/FM+ 3 more

Car price

US $1,700

Total price (C&F)

US $3,200

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

64,976 milesManual2WD660 cc
A/C Alloy Wheels+ 2 more

Car price

US $1,500

Total price (C&F)

US $3,031

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

61,690 milesManual2WD660 cc
A/C AM/FM+ 4 more

Car price

US $1,600

Total price (C&F)

US $3,127

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

10,540 milesManual2WD660 cc

Car price

US $1,822

Total price (C&F)

US $3,573

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

28,644 milesManual2WD660 cc
A/C AM/FM+ 2 more

Car price

US $1,700

Total price (C&F)

US $3,223

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

34,100 milesManual2WD660 cc
A/C AM/FM+ 1 more

Car price

US $1,600

Total price (C&F)

US $3,127

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

14,880 milesManual4WD660 cc

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

68,262 milesManual4WD660 cc
AM/FM Power Steering+ 2 more

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

4,712 milesManual2WD660 cc
A/C 5-Speed Manual

Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

35,340 milesManual4WD660 cc
A/C 4WD+ 2 more
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FAQ about Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

How much does a used Suzuki Carry Truck 1999 cost?
The price of Suzuki Carry Truck 1999 ranges from $2,640 to $7,331. This doesn’t include the shipping cost to your port.
How to import Suzuki Carry Truck 1999 from Japan to the USA?
You can follow these easy steps to purchase a Suzuki Carry Truck 1999 from JDM Export and have it imported to your port in the USA.
What are the import taxes for used cars in the USA?
You should expect to pay 2.5% for a passenger car, and 25% for a truck as the tax of foreign-made vehicles imported to the U.S. This is calculated based on the vehicle price.

User reviews on Suzuki Carry Truck 1999

Robert Belvin avatar
Robert BelvinflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Very smooth transaction
Tiernan Glidewell avatar
Tiernan GlidewellflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hello Ken, I have received the vehicle. Thank you for your help.
Michael Reutelshofer avatar
Michael ReutelshoferflagUSA
Verified Buyer
I was told my car would have air conditioning and it does not. I feel i have been lied to
Ted Humburg avatar
Ted HumburgflagUSA
Verified Buyer
I currently have the car safely in my possession. Thank you.
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Gaylen A. Peterson avatar
Gaylen A. PetersonflagUSA
Verified Buyer
I dealt with Ms. Jun from Car from Japan. Her customer service, attention to detail and her continued efforts to keep me informed during the entire process was exceptional! She handled everything on her end very professionally and responded to every... See more
Joel L Rivera avatar
Joel L RiveraflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hi Mr. Ken, Thank you for that information. Here are some pictures of the day we picked the truck up. Thank you!
After Delivery Pictures
Auto Technic LLC  avatar
Auto Technic LLC flagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hi I got the truck
Linton Ginther avatar
Linton GintherflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Jun, I love the truck, i will send some photos soon i'm very excited to drive it.What a pleasure it was to work with you there
After Delivery Pictures
Dylan Zengota  avatar
Dylan Zengota flagUSA
Verified Buyer
We love the car so far. We are working on getting it painted and outfitted, once its done I'd love to share a picture of it.
Robert B Dykes Jr avatar
Robert B Dykes JrflagUSA
Verified Buyer
Hi Ken, I received my truck a few days ago. I really am surprised at the condition of this truck. It has exceeded my expectations. Thanks again for all your assistance.
After Delivery Pictures
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